Friday, 23 December 2011

No Undue Harassment Of Debtors Please.

No undue harassment of debtors please, because: 
  • It helps neither collection nor relationship
  • RBI says No to undue harassment and coercion
  • Debtors know their rights and are assertive
  • It is illegal; general Criminal Procedure Code (CrPc) applies

"Undue" suggests that what is done must, having regard to the circumstances; extend beyond that which is acceptable or reasonable. It may ensure that conduct will only amount to harassment where what is done goes beyond the normal limits.

"Harassment” means persistent disturbance or torment, and can extend to frequent unwelcome approaches requesting payment of a debt. Generally, a person will be harassed when frequently troubled by a person. There is no requirement that the harassment involve a threat of an illegal act.

The following will be construed as undue harassment: 
  • The use of obscene or profane language or language the natural consequence of which is to abuse the hearer or reader 
  • Causing a telephone to ring or engaging any person in telephone conversation repeatedly or continuously with intent to annoy, abuse, or harass any person at the called number 
  • The placement of telephone calls without meaningful disclosure of the caller’s identity 
  • Calling  work place after the debtor told not to 
  • Demanding more money than what is due/ overdue 
  • Sending collection letters that threaten a lawsuit, garnishment, seizure of property  
  • Threats of action often, not intended to be taken 
  • Filing a suit in a venue other than where debtor resides 
  • Communicating the status of debtor’s account with third parties 
  • Contacting debtor’s employer or co-workers

"Coercion" need not be ‘undue coercion’. It is enough if it contains an element of force or compulsion or threats of force or compulsion negating choice or freedom to act. There is no requirement that the coercion involve a threat of an illegal act.

The following will be construed as coercion:

  • The use or threat of use of violence or other criminal means to harm the physical person, reputation, or property of any person 
  • The publication of a list of debtors who allegedly refuse to pay debts 
  • The advertisement for sale of any debt to coerce payment of the debt 
  • Depositing a post-dated check early 
  • Threatening to take possession of the collateral / property unless it can be done legally 
  • Contacting the debtor by postcard 
  • Sending collection letters on the letterhead of an attorney / Lawyer

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